(209) 532-1424

Coaching Services

Helping Clients Make Wiser Choices

The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.
– Tom Crum

As a Coach, I teach my clients negotiation skills, with the goal of empowering them to negotiate for themselves. I choose to use my skills, education, and training as a Coach to help my clients successfully manage conflicts in their lives.

I am called to be a peacemaker and peacebuilder.

We all need strategies to manage conflicts in our business and personal lives. By offering my expertise as a Coach, Lawyer, Mediator, or Negotiator to my clients, we can hopefully avoid the litigation process.

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Lawyer, Mediator and Coach

As a Lawyer, Mediator and Coach, Jim works to connect the disconnected, listening to them with the intent to understand and to co-create peace, understanding, acceptance, reconciliation, and resolution.

As a Lawyer, I generally represent one side of the dispute.
As a Mediator, I act as a neutral, representing all sides of the dispute, always probing to find common ground. As a Negotiator, I coach clients in negotiating contracts and disputes, on their behalf.

Conflicts are often not my client’s fault, but it is always our responsibility to work to resolve conflicts peacefully. We all have choices to make. I help clients make wiser choices.